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A detection of a transaction that either decreases the balance for some address or is signed by the source address. Such an attestation could prove a violation of an agreement and therefore provides grounds to liquidate some funds locked by a smart contract on Flare. A transaction is considered “balance decreasing” for the address, if the balance after the transaction is lower than before or the address is among the signers of the transaction (even if its balance is greater than before the transaction).

Supported sources: BTC, DOGE, XRP, testBTC, testDOGE, testXRP

Request body#

Field Solidity type Description
transactionId bytes32 ID of the payment transaction.
sourceAddressIndicator bytes32 The indicator of the address whose balance has been decreased.

Response body#

Field Solidity type Description
blockNumber uint64 The number of the block in which the transaction is included.
blockTimestamp uint64 The timestamp of the block in which the transaction is included.
sourceAddressHash bytes32 Standard address hash of the address indicated by the sourceAddressIndicator.
spentAmount int256 Amount spent by the source address in minimal units.
standardPaymentReference bytes32 Standard payment reference of the transaction.


The transaction with transactionId is fetched from the API of the source blockchain node or relevant indexer. If the transaction cannot be fetched or the transaction is in a block that does not have a sufficient number of confirmations, the attestation request is rejected. Once the transaction is received, the response fields are extracted if the transaction is balance decreasing for the indicated address. Some of the request and response fields are chain specific as described below. The fields can be computed with the help of a balance decreasing summary.

UTXO (Bitcoin and Dogecoin)#

  • sourceAddressIndicator is the index of the transaction input in hex padded to a 0x prefixed 32-byte string. If the indicated input does not exist or the indicated input does not have the address, the attestation request is rejected. The sourceAddress is the address of the indicated transaction input.
  • spentAmount is the sum of values of all inputs with sourceAddress minus the sum of all outputs with sourceAddress. Can be negative.
  • blockTimestamp is the median time of a block.


  • sourceAddressIndicator is the standard address hash of the address whose balance has been decreased. If the address indicated by sourceAddressIndicator is not among the signers of the transaction and the balance of the address was not lowered in the transaction, the attestation request is rejected.
  • spentAmount is the difference between the balance of the indicated address after and before the transaction. Can be negative.
  • blockTimestamp is the close_time of a ledger converted to UNIX time.

Lowest Used Timestamp#

For lowestUsedTimestamp, blockTimestamp is used.