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A relay of a transaction on an external chain that is considered a payment in a native currency. Various blockchains support different types of native payments. For each blockchain, it is specified how a payment transaction should be formed to be provable by this attestation type. The provable payments emulate traditional banking payments from entity A to entity B in native currency with an optional payment reference.

Supported sources: BTC, DOGE, XRP, testBTC, testDOGE, testXRP

Request body#

Field Solidity type Description
transactionId bytes32 ID of the payment transaction.
inUtxo uint256 For UTXO chains, this is the index of the transaction input with source address. Always 0 for the non-UTXO chains.
utxo uint256 For UTXO chains, this is the index of the transaction output with receiving address. Always 0 for the non-UTXO chains.

Response body#

Field Solidity type Description
blockNumber uint64 Number of the block in which the transaction is included.
blockTimestamp uint64 The timestamp of the block in which the transaction is included.
sourceAddressHash bytes32 Standard address hash of the source address.
receivingAddressHash bytes32 Standard address hash of the receiving address. The zero 32-byte string if there is no receivingAddress (if status is not success).
intendedReceivingAddressHash bytes32 Standard address hash of the intended receiving address. Relevant if the transaction is unsuccessful.
spentAmount int256 Amount in minimal units spent by the source address.
intendedSpentAmount int256 Amount in minimal units to be spent by the source address. Relevant if the transaction status is unsuccessful.
receivedAmount int256 Amount in minimal units received by the receiving address.
intendedReceivedAmount int256 Amount in minimal units intended to be received by the receiving address. Relevant if the transaction is unsuccessful.
standardPaymentReference bytes32 Standard payment reference of the transaction.
oneToOne bool Indicator whether only one source and one receiver are involved in the transaction.
status uint8 Success status of the transaction: 0 - success, 1 - failed by sender's fault,x 2 - failed by receiver's fault.


The transaction with transactionId is fetched from the API of the blockchain node or relevant indexer. If the transaction cannot be fetched or the transaction is in a block that does not have a sufficient number of confirmations, the attestation request is rejected. Once the transaction is received, the payment summary is computed according to the rules for the source chain. If the summary is successfully calculated, the response is assembled from the summary. blockNumber and blockTimestamp are retrieved from the block if they are not included in the transaction data. For Bitcoin and Dogecoin, blockTimestamp is mediantime of the block. For XRPL, blockTimestamp is close time of the ledger converted to UNIX time. If the summary is not successfully calculated, the attestation request is rejected.

Lowest Used Timestamp#

For lowestUsedTimestamp, blockTimestamp is used.