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Smart Contracts API#

List of Flare smart contracts.


Name Description
AddressUpdatable Abstract base class for contracts that depend on other contracts whose addresses can change.
AddressUpdater Keeps track of the current address for all unique and special platform contracts.
AddressValidityVerification Contract for verifying AddressValidity attestations within the State Connector.
BalanceDecreasingTransactionVerification Contract for verifying BalanceDecreasingTransaction attestations within the State Connector.
CheckPointable Check-Pointable ERC20 Behavior.
ClaimSetupManager Manages automation of operations related to reward claiming.
CleanupBlockNumberManager Token history cleanup manager.
CloneFactory Simple clone contract factory.
ConfirmedBlockHeightExistsVerification Contract for verifying ConfirmedBlockHeightExists attestations within the State Connector.
Delegatable Delegatable ERC20 behavior.
EVMTransactionVerification Contract for verifying EVMTransaction attestations within the State Connector.
FlareContractRegistry The Flare contract registry.
FlareDaemon Flare Daemon contract.
Ftso Flare Time Series Oracle contract.
FtsoManager FTSO Manager contract.
FtsoRegistry Handles registration of assets to the FTSO system.
FtsoRewardManager Handles reward distribution and claiming related to the FTSO system.
GovernanceSettings A special contract that holds the Flare governance address and its timelock.
GovernanceVotePower Contract managing governance vote power and its delegation.
Governed Defines behaviors for governed contracts that must have a governor set at construction-time.
GovernedAndFlareDaemonized Base class for contracts that are governed and triggered from the FlareDaemon.
GovernedAtGenesis Defines behaviors for governed contracts that have their governor set at genesis.
GovernedBase Abstract base class that defines behaviors for governed contracts.
Inflation Recognizes, authorizes, mints, and funds native tokens to Flare services that are rewardable through inflation.
PaymentVerification Contract for verifying Payment attestations within the State Connector.
PChainStake Helper contract handling all the vote power and balance functionality for the PChainStakeMirror.
PChainStakeMirror Contract used to mirror all stake amounts from P-chain.
PriceSubmitter Receives prices from FTSO data providers.
ReferencedPaymentNonexistenceVerification Contract for verifying ReferencedPaymentNonexistence attestations within the State Connector.
RevertErrorTracking Revert error tracking contract.
VoterWhitelister Manager of the FTSO whitelist.
VPContract Helper contract handling all the vote power and delegation functionality for an associated VPToken.
VPToken Vote power token.
WNat Wrapped native token.


Name Description
IAddressValidityVerification Interface for verifying AddressValidity attestations within the State Connector.
IBalanceDecreasingTransactionVerification Interface for verifying BalanceDecreasingTransaction attestations within the State Connector.
IClaimSetupManager Public interface for the ClaimSetupManager contract.
IConfirmedBlockHeightExistsVerification Interface for verifying ConfirmedBlockHeightExists attestations within the State Connector.
IEVMTransactionVerification Interface for verifying EVMTransaction attestations within the State Connector.
IFlareContractRegistry Interface for the FlareContractRegistry.
IFlareDaemonize Interface for contracts that receive triggers from the FlareDaemon contract.
IFtso Interface for each of the FTSO contracts that handles an asset.
IFtsoGenesis Portion of the IFtso interface that is available to contracts deployed at genesis.
IFtsoManager Interface for the FtsoManager contract.
IFtsoManagerGenesis Portion of the IFtsoManager interface that is available to contracts deployed at genesis.
IFtsoRegistry Interface for the FtsoRegistry contract.
IFtsoRegistryGenesis Portion of the IFtsoRegistry interface that is available to contracts deployed at genesis.
IFtsoRewardManager Interface for the FtsoRewardManager contract.
IGovernanceSettings Interface for the GovernanceSettings that hold the Flare governance address and its timelock.
IGovernanceVotePower Interface for contracts delegating their governance vote power.
IInflationGenesis Portion of the Inflation contract that is available to contracts deployed at genesis.
IMerkleRootStorage Interface for accessing State Connector Merkle roots.
IPaymentVerification Interface for verifying Payment attestations within the State Connector.
IPChainStakeMirror Interface for the PChainStakeMirror contract.
IPChainVotePower Interface for the vote power part of the PChainStakeMirror contract.
IPriceSubmitter Interface for the PriceSubmitter contract.
IReferencedPaymentNonexistenceVerification Interface for verifying ReferencedPaymentNonexistence attestations within the State Connector.
IStateConnector Interface for interacting with the State Connector.
IVoterWhitelister Interface for managers of the FTSO whitelist.
IVPContractEvents Events interface for vote-power related operations.
IVPToken Vote power token interface.
IWNat Wrapped native token interface.

Internal Interfaces#

For platform development, not application.

Name Description
IIAddressUpdatable Internal interface for contracts that depend on other contracts whose addresses can change.
IIAddressUpdater Internal interface for AddressUpdater.
IIClaimSetupManager Internal interface for the ClaimSetupManager contract.
IICleanable Internal interface for entities that can have their block history cleaned.
IIFtso Internal interface for each of the FTSO contracts that handles an asset.
IIFtsoManager Internal interface for the FtsoManager contract.
IIFtsoRegistry Internal interface for the FtsoRegistry contract.
IIFtsoRewardManager Internal interface for the FtsoRewardManager.
IIGovernanceVotePower Internal interface for contracts delegating their governance vote power.
IIInflationReceiver Internal interface for contracts that can receive inflation.
IIPriceSubmitter Internal interface for the PriceSubmitter contract.
IITokenPool Internal interface for token pools.
IIVoterWhitelister Internal interface for managers of the FTSO whitelist.
IIVPContract Internal interface for helper contracts handling functionality for an associated VPToken.
IIVPToken Vote power token internal interface.