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Source | Inherits from IGovernanceVotePower

Internal interface for contracts delegating their governance vote power.



Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

event DelegateChanged(
    address delegator,
    address fromDelegate,
    address toDelegate

Emitted when an account starts delegating vote power or switches its delegation to another address.

The event is always emitted from a GovernanceVotePower contract.

Parameters Type Description
delegator address Account delegating its vote power.
fromDelegate address Account receiving the delegation before the change. Can be address(0) if there was no previous delegation.
toDelegate address Account receiving the delegation after the change. Can be address(0) if delegator just undelegated all its vote power.


Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

event DelegateVotesChanged(
    address delegate,
    uint256 previousBalance,
    uint256 newBalance

Emitted when a delegate's vote power changes, as a result of a new delegation or a token transfer, for example.

The event is always emitted from a GovernanceVotePower contract.

Parameters Type Description
delegate address The account receiving the changing delegated vote power.
previousBalance uint256 Delegated vote power before the change.
newBalance uint256 Delegated vote power after the change.



Defined in IGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function delegate(
    address _to
) external;

Delegates all governance vote power of msg.sender to address _to.

Parameters Type Description
_to address The address of the recipient.


Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function getCleanupBlockNumber(
) external view returns (

Get the current cleanup block number set with setCleanupBlockNumber.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 The currently set cleanup block number.


Defined in IGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function getDelegateOfAt(
    address _who,
    uint256 _blockNumber
) external view returns (

Gets the address an account is delegating its governance vote power to, at a given block number.

Parameters Type Description
_who address The address being queried.
_blockNumber uint256 The block number at which to fetch the address.
Returns Type Description
[0] address Address where _who was delegating its governance vote power at block _blockNumber.


Defined in IGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function getDelegateOfAtNow(
    address _who
) external view returns (

Gets the address an account is delegating its governance vote power to, at the latest block number.

Parameters Type Description
_who address The address being queried.
Returns Type Description
[0] address Address where _who is currently delegating its governance vote power.


Defined in IGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function getVotes(
    address _who
) external view returns (

Gets the governance vote power of an address at the latest block, including all delegations made to it.

Parameters Type Description
_who address The address being queried.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Governance vote power of account at the lastest block.


Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function ownerToken(
) external view returns (
    contract IVPToken);

Get the token that this governance vote power contract belongs to.

Returns Type Description
[0] contract IVPToken The IVPToken interface owning this contract.


Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function pChainStakeMirror(
) external view returns (
    contract IPChainStakeMirror);

Get the stake mirror contract that this governance vote power contract belongs to.

Returns Type Description
[0] contract IPChainStakeMirror The IPChainStakeMirror interface owning this contract.


Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function setCleanerContract(
    address _cleanerContract
) external;

Set the contract that is allowed to call history cleaning methods.

Parameters Type Description
_cleanerContract address Address of the cleanup contract. Usually this will be an instance of CleanupBlockNumberManager.


Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function setCleanupBlockNumber(
    uint256 _blockNumber
) external;

Set the cleanup block number. Historic data for the blocks before cleanupBlockNumber can be erased. History before that block should never be used since it can be inconsistent. In particular, cleanup block number must be lower than the current vote power block.

Parameters Type Description
_blockNumber uint256 The new cleanup block number.


Defined in IGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function undelegate(
) external;

Undelegates all governance vote power of msg.sender.


Defined in IIGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function updateAtTokenTransfer(
    address _from,
    address _to,
    uint256 _fromBalance,
    uint256 _toBalance,
    uint256 _amount
) external;

Update governance vote power of all involved delegates after tokens are transferred.

This function MUST be called after each governance token transfer for the delegates to reflect the correct balance.

Parameters Type Description
_from address Source address of the transfer.
_to address Destination address of the transfer.
_fromBalance uint256 Ignored.
_toBalance uint256 Ignored.
_amount uint256 Amount being transferred.


Defined in IGovernanceVotePower (Docs, Source).

function votePowerOfAt(
    address _who,
    uint256 _blockNumber
) external view returns (

Gets the governance vote power of an address at a given block number, including all delegations made to it.

Parameters Type Description
_who address The address being queried.
_blockNumber uint256 The block number at which to fetch the vote power.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Governance vote power of _who at _blockNumber.