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Interface for managers of the FTSO whitelist.

Only addresses registered in this contract can submit data to the FTSO system.



Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

event VoterChilled(
    address voter,
    uint256 untilRewardEpoch

Emitted when an account is chilled from the voter whitelist.

Parameters Type Description
voter address Address of the chilled account.
untilRewardEpoch uint256 Epoch ID when the chill will be lifted.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

event VoterRemovedFromWhitelist(
    address voter,
    uint256 ftsoIndex

Emitted when an account is removed from the voter whitelist.

Parameters Type Description
voter address Address of the removed account.
ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO in which it was registered.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

event VoterWhitelisted(
    address voter,
    uint256 ftsoIndex

Emitted when an account is added to the voter whitelist.

Parameters Type Description
voter address Address of the added account.
ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO to which it has been registered.



Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function chilledUntilRewardEpoch(
    address _voter
) external view returns (

In case of providing bad prices (e.g. collusion), the voter can be chilled for a few reward epochs. A voter can whitelist again from a returned reward epoch onwards.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Address of the queried data provider.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 ID of the epoch where the data provider can start submitting prices again.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function defaultMaxVotersForFtso(
) external view returns (

Maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a new FTSO.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Default maximum allowed voters.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function getFtsoWhitelistedPriceProviders(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external view returns (

Gets whitelisted price providers for the FTSO at a given index.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Queried index.
Returns Type Description
[0] address[] Array of addresses of the whitelisted data providers.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function getFtsoWhitelistedPriceProvidersBySymbol(
    string _symbol
) external view returns (

Gets whitelisted price providers for the FTSO with a specified symbol.

Parameters Type Description
_symbol string Queried symbol.
Returns Type Description
[0] address[] Array of addresses of the whitelisted data providers.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function maxVotersForFtso(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external view returns (

Maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a specific FTSO. Adjustable separately for each index.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Maximum allowed voters.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function requestFullVoterWhitelisting(
    address _voter
) external returns (
    uint256[] _supportedIndices,
    bool[] _success);

Requests whitelisting an account to act as a data provider for all active FTSOs. May be called by any address, including the voter itself.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Address of the voter to be whitelisted.
Returns Type Description
_supportedIndices uint256[] Array of currently supported FTSO indices.
_success bool[] Array of success flags by FTSO index.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function requestWhitelistingVoter(
    address _voter,
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external;

Requests whitelisting an account to act as a data provider for a specific FTSO. Reverts if the vote power of the account is too low. May be called by any address, including the voter itself.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Address of the voter to be whitelisted.
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO.