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Wrapped native token interface.

This contract converts native tokens into WNAT (wrapped native) tokens and vice versa. WNAT tokens are a one-to-one ERC20 representation of native tokens, which are minted and burned as needed by this contract.

The wrapped versions of the native FLR and SGB tokens are called WFLR and WSGB respectively.

Code attribution: WETH9.



Defined in IWNat (Docs, Source).

function deposit(
) external payable;

Deposits native tokens and mints the same amount of WNAT tokens, which are added to the msg.sender's balance. This operation is commonly known as "wrapping".


Defined in IWNat (Docs, Source).

function depositTo(
    address _recipient
) external payable;

Deposits native tokens and mints the same amount of WNAT tokens, which are added to _recipient's balance. This operation is commonly known as "wrapping".

This is equivalent to using deposit followed by transfer.

Parameters Type Description
_recipient address The address to receive the minted WNAT.


Defined in IWNat (Docs, Source).

function withdraw(
    uint256 _amount
) external;

Burns _amount of WNAT tokens from msg.sender's WNAT balance and transfers the same amount of native tokens to msg.sender. This operation is commonly known as "unwrapping".

Reverts if _amount is higher than msg.sender's WNAT balance.

Parameters Type Description
_amount uint256 The amount to withdraw.


Defined in IWNat (Docs, Source).

function withdrawFrom(
    address _owner,
    uint256 _amount
) external;

Burns _amount of WNAT tokens from _owner's WNAT balance and transfers the same amount of native tokens to msg.sender. This operation is commonly known as "unwrapping".

msg.sender must have been authorized to withdraw from _owner's account through ERC-20's approve mechanism.

Reverts if _amount is higher than _owners's WNAT balance or than msg.sender's allowance over _owner's tokens.

Parameters Type Description
_owner address The address containing the tokens to withdraw.
_amount uint256 The amount to withdraw.