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Manager of the FTSO whitelist.

Only addresses registered in this contract can submit data to the FTSO system.



Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function addFtso(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external;

Create an empty whitelist with default size for a new FTSO.

Only ftsoManager can call this method.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the new FTSO.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

function cancelGovernanceCall(
    bytes4 _selector
) external;

Cancel a timelocked governance call before it has been executed.

Only governance can call this method.

Parameters Type Description
_selector bytes4 The method selector.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function chillVoter(
    address _voter,
    uint256 _noOfRewardEpochs,
    uint256[] _ftsoIndices
) external returns (
    bool[] _removed,
    uint256 _untilRewardEpoch);

Used to chill a data provider, this is, remove it from the whitelist for a specified number of reward epochs.

Only governance can call this method.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Data provider being chilled.
_noOfRewardEpochs uint256 Number of epochs to chill the provider for.
_ftsoIndices uint256[] Array of indices of the FTSOs that will not allow this provider to submit data.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function chilledUntilRewardEpoch(
    address _voter
) external view returns (

In case of providing bad prices (e.g. collusion), the voter can be chilled for a few reward epochs. A voter can whitelist again from a returned reward epoch onwards.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Address of the queried data provider.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 ID of the epoch where the data provider can start submitting prices again.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    address _governance,
    address _addressUpdater,
    contract IIPriceSubmitter _priceSubmitter,
    uint256 _defaultMaxVotersForFtso,
    contract IVoterWhitelister _oldVoterWhitelister
) public;


Defined in Governed (Docs, Source).

    address _governance
) public;
Parameters Type Description
_governance address Governance contract. Must not be zero.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function copyWhitelist(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external;

Copy whitelist data from oldVoterWhitelister for a specific FTSO. Can only be called by governance.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO whose whitelist is to be copied.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function defaultMaxVotersForFtso(
) external view returns (

Maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a new FTSO.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Default maximum allowed voters.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

function executeGovernanceCall(
    bytes4 _selector
) external;

Execute the timelocked governance calls once the timelock period expires.

Only executor can call this method.

Parameters Type Description
_selector bytes4 The method selector (only one timelocked call per method is stored).


Defined in AddressUpdatable (Docs, Source).

function getAddressUpdater(
) public view returns (
    address _addressUpdater);

Returns the configured address updater.

Returns Type Description
_addressUpdater address The AddresUpdater contract that can update our contract address list, as a response to a governance call.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function getFtsoWhitelistedPriceProviders(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) public view returns (

Gets whitelisted price providers for the FTSO at a given index.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Queried index.
Returns Type Description
[0] address[] Array of addresses of the whitelisted data providers.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function getFtsoWhitelistedPriceProvidersBySymbol(
    string _symbol
) external view returns (

Gets whitelisted price providers for the FTSO with a specified symbol.

Parameters Type Description
_symbol string Queried symbol.
Returns Type Description
[0] address[] Array of addresses of the whitelisted data providers.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

function governance(
) public view returns (

Returns the current effective governance address.


Defined in IVoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function maxVotersForFtso(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external view returns (

Maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a specific FTSO. Adjustable separately for each index.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Maximum allowed voters.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function removeFtso(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external;

Clear whitelist for a removed FTSO.

Only ftsoManager can call this method.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the removed FTSO.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function removeTrustedAddressFromWhitelist(
    address _trustedAddress,
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external;

Remove a trusted address from whitelist.

Parameters Type Description
_trustedAddress address Address to remove.
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO being modified.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function requestFullVoterWhitelisting(
    address _voter
) external returns (
    uint256[] _supportedIndices,
    bool[] _success);

Requests whitelisting an account to act as a data provider for all active FTSOs. May be called by any address, including the voter itself.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Address of the voter to be whitelisted.
Returns Type Description
_supportedIndices uint256[] Array of currently supported FTSO indices.
_success bool[] Array of success flags by FTSO index.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function requestWhitelistingVoter(
    address _voter,
    uint256 _ftsoIndex
) external;

Requests whitelisting an account to act as a data provider for a specific FTSO. Reverts if the vote power of the account is too low. May be called by any address, including the voter itself.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Address of the voter to be whitelisted.
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function setDefaultMaxVotersForFtso(
    uint256 _defaultMaxVotersForFtso
) external;

Set the maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a new FTSOs.

Only governance can call this method.

Parameters Type Description
_defaultMaxVotersForFtso uint256 New maximum default value.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function setMaxVotersForFtso(
    uint256 _ftsoIndex,
    uint256 _newMaxVoters
) external;

Set the maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a specific FTSO. Can remove voters with the least votepower from the whitelist.

Only governance can call this method.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoIndex uint256 Index of the FTSO to modify.
_newMaxVoters uint256 New size of the whitelist.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

function switchToProductionMode(
) external;

Enter the production mode after all the initial governance settings have been set. This enables timelocks and the governance can be obtained afterward by calling governanceSettings.getGovernanceAddress(). Emits GovernedProductionModeEntered.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

function turnOffCopyMode(
) external;

Turn off copy mode. Can only be called by governance.


Defined in AddressUpdatable (Docs, Source).

function updateContractAddresses(
    bytes32[] _contractNameHashes,
    address[] _contractAddresses
) external;

External method called from AddressUpdater only.



Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

modifier notInCopyMode()

Only callable when not in copy mode.


Defined in AddressUpdatable (Docs, Source).

modifier onlyAddressUpdater()

Only the AdressUpdater contract can call this method. Its address is set at construction time but it can also update itself.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

modifier onlyFtsoManager()

Only the ftsoManager can call this method.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

modifier onlyGovernance()


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

modifier onlyImmediateGovernance()


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

modifier voterNotChilled(    address _voter)

Only data providers that have not been chilled can perform this action.

Parameters Type Description
_voter address Address of the data provider performing the action.



Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    mapping(address => uint256) chilledUntilRewardEpoch

In case of providing bad prices (e.g. collusion), the voter can be chilled for a few reward epochs. A voter can whitelist again from a returned reward epoch onwards.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    bool copyMode


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    uint256 defaultMaxVotersForFtso

Maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a new FTSO.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    contract IFtsoManager ftsoManager

Address of the FtsoManager contract.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    contract IFtsoRegistry ftsoRegistry

Address of the FtsoRegistry contract.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

    contract IGovernanceSettings governanceSettings

Governance Settings.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    mapping(uint256 => uint256) maxVotersForFtso

Maximum number of voters in the whitelist for a specific FTSO. Adjustable separately for each index.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    contract IVoterWhitelister oldVoterWhitelister

Previous VoterWhitelister contract, set at construction time. Necessary to allow copying the previous whitelist onto a new contract.


Defined in VoterWhitelister (Docs, Source).

    contract IIPriceSubmitter priceSubmitter

Address of the PriceSubmitter contract set at construction time.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

    bool productionMode

When true, governance is enabled and cannot be disabled. See switchToProductionMode.


Defined in GovernedBase (Docs, Source).

    mapping(bytes4 => struct GovernedBase.TimelockedCall) timelockedCalls

List of pending timelocked governance calls.