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Integrate Automatic Claiming#

Users who do not want to claim rewards themselves can enlist executors to claim on their behalf. Executors can then initiate the claiming process, and rewards are sent directly to the user's account.


Building an executor requires two parts:

  • An executor bot that periodically claims on behalf of the users.
  • An app that allows users to select the executor, such as the Flare Portal, which is free to use.

This page contains the following information:

  • The Required Contracts section briefly lists the smart contracts related to executor operation.
  • The User Operations section shows how to perform the operations required in a user-facing application, such as setting an executor.
  • The Executor Operations section shows how to perform the operations required by an executor bot, such as registering as an executor.
  • The User and Executor Reports section shows how to access information useful for performing user and executor functions.

Required Contracts#

Setting up automatic claiming requires interacting with these contracts:

To find the addresses of these contracts, see the Contract Addresses page.

User Operations#

This section shows how to perform operations required to enable autoclaiming. The main step is to set the executor that will perform the claiming for the user who has accrued rewards. Then other operations are explained, such as changing the executor and disabling automatic claiming.

Setting Claim Executors#

There are two ways to set up automatic claiming: Manual and Registered.

Manual Claiming#

With Manual Claiming, rewards are claimed on-chain, but any agreement between users and executors happens off-chain. Fees are not paid automatically.

To set one or more executors to claim rewards for a user:

  1. Set a specific executor by calling CSM.setClaimExecutors() and providing the executor's address.

    This method must be called from the user's account, since they are the only ones that can authorize claiming on their behalf.

    This function removes all previously set executors and replaces them with the new set.

Registered Claiming#

With Registered Claiming, a purpose-built ClaimSetupManager contract handles the on-chain agreement between users and executors, greatly simplifying the process.

To set one or more registered executors to claim rewards for a user:

  1. Get a list of executors and their fees by calling CSM.getRegisteredExecutors().

    To find the fee of a specific executor, call CSM.getExecutorCurrentFeeValue(). This fee is deducted from the user’s reward after each claim and sent to the executor.

    You can show this information to the user and let them select which executor to use.

  2. Set the selected executors by calling CSM.setClaimExecutors() as shown for Manual Claiming.

    However, when setting registered executors, the call must include a value equal to the executor’s fee (in FLR), which is sent to the executor as an enrollment fee. If more than one executor is set, the value must equal the sum of all the executor's fees.

Changing Registered Executors#

To change registered executors, call CSM.setClaimExecutors() with the new list of executors. This new list overwrites the current list.

Disabling Automatic Claiming#

To disable automatic claiming, remove all executors by sending an empty array of executors with CSM.setClaimExecutors().

Executor Operations#

This section shows how to perform operations required in an executor-facing application, for example, becoming an executor. While the main step for manual executors is only claiming rewards, the main steps for registered executors are registering, setting a fee, and claiming rewards. Other operations like changing the fee, unregistering as an executor, and learning which addresses to claim for are also explained.

Becoming an Executor#

There are two ways to become an executor: Manual and Registered.

Manual Executor#

Setting an executor manually means doing so off-chain. Therefore, there is no operation required for executors, besides communicating to the users the address of the executor they need to use.

Registered Executor#

The ClaimSetupManager contract contains a list of self-registered executors that users can use to discover executors and their service fees, avoiding the need for off-chain operations as in manual claiming.

To automatically receive fees for claiming, an executor address must register, set the fee for claiming rewards, and pay the registration fee.

Register an executor by calling CSM.registerExecutor(uint256 feeValue), where feeValue is the fee in wei that the executor requires to perform this service. The fee value must be at least CSM.minFeeValueWei, currently 0.1 FLR, and no greater than CSM.maxFeeValueWei, currently 100 FLR. This transaction must include a registration fee equal to CSM.registerExecutorFeeValueWei, currently 1000 FLR, which is burned.

Claiming Rewards#

How to Claim#

Executors can now only claim FTSO delegation rewards on behalf of users. As other rewards become available, they will also be claimable by executors without any user intervention.

Manual and registered executors use the same function, the only difference being that unregistered executors do not receive a fee automatically.

To claim FTSO rewards for all of a user's unclaimed epochs, call FtsoRewardManager.autoClaim().

  • This method can be used to claim for multiple users, since rewardOwners is an array.
  • The rewardEpoch is the most current one that the executor wants to claim for, typically the one before the current epoch.

    If a user has more unclaimed epochs from the past, the function claims for all of them.

The claimed amount gets the executor fee subtracted and is automatically wrapped, so it is sent to the user as $WFLR.

What to Expect in Fees#

The executor gets paid a fee for each user for which he claims the FTSO delegation reward. However, he only gets paid one fee per user regardless of whether he claims for one or more epochs. The fee is paid in native $FLR tokens.

If the claimed reward for a user is lower than the executor fee, the transaction is reverted. To see which users have enough rewards to complete and which would revert, call FtsoRewardManager.autoClaim() with a specific user address.

Changing the Fee#

Registered executors can change the fee they charge for the successful execution of claims. To change the fee, call CSM.updateExecutorFeeValue(). The new fee value will be in effect after CSM.feeValueUpdateOffset reward epochs have elapsed (currently 3 epochs), where the first epoch is the one that is currently active. This function returns the reward epoch number when the setting will become effective.

Unregistering an Executor#

Registered executors can unregister by calling CSM.unregisterExecutor() and they will be removed from the list of executors. To help the users adjust to the change, executors will retain the current fee and continue claiming for the next 3 reward epochs (feeValueUpdateOffset). An executor's best practice is to notify users when unregistering.

Updating the User List#

Executors should keep a list of users to claim for, there is no mechanism to retrieve this list from the chain. There are two ways to keep this list updated:

  • Listen to the CSM.ClaimExecutorsChanged event which is emitted every time a user sets its executors. This method is suitable for registered executors which might be selected at any time.
  • If the executor is only interested in a closed list of users, e.g., the ones that enlisted on an application, it can call CSM.isClaimExecutor(address user, address executor) for each user to verify the executor's address is properly configured.

User and Executor Reports#

This section shows how to access information that can help you perform both user and executor functions.

Executor Fees#

Get the current fee for each executor on the Registered Executors list by calling CSM.getExecutorCurrentFeeValue(address executor). For upcoming fee changes, call CSM.getExecutorScheduledFeeValueChanges(address executor).

Executors by User#

A user can set more than one executor. To see a list of current executors for a user, call CSM.claimExecutors(address user), which returns an array of executor addresses. It is a best practice for users to check this report periodically (at least every 90 days) to make sure their selected executors have not unregistered without notice.

Executor Status#

To check if an executor is registered, call CSM.getExecutorInfo(address executor). It returns whether an executor is registered and its fee.