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Information for wallet developers wanting to integrate with the Flare networks.

First off, find all basic network information like Chain ID or public RPC endpoints in the Network Configuration page.

This page then provides a few more pointers specific to wallet development.

Block Explorers and Indexers#

For all its networks, Flare offers public block explorers that double down as indexers. Learn about them in the Block Explorers section.

Flare's Personal Delegation Accounts#

See the Integration with a Personal Delegation Account page.

Address Derivation Paths for HD Wallets#

Address derivation and format validation on Flare are the same as on Ethereum. In particular, Flare uses the same coin type as Ethereum, this is, 60. The BIP-44 paths are therefore m/44’/60’/x’/0/0 (hardened) and m/44’/60’/0’/0/x.

The same path is used on both the C-chain and the P-chain.