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Block Explorer Dashboard#

Each block explorer provides this dashboard, which includes:

Block Explorer Dashboard

Block Explorer Dashboard.

This dashboard represents the dashboard of the original Flare block explorers.

Use the options in the navigation bar to explore the blockchain and toggle light and dark modes.

  • Blocks: View recently created blocks and their constituent transactions.
  • Transactions: View validated or pending transactions.
  • Tokens: View a list of all the tokens on the blockchain or the addresses of wallets that hold a specific token.
  • APIs: For web3 developers to retrieve blockchain data.
  • Network: View the explorers for other networks in the Flare ecosystem.
  • Display theme: Toggle between light and dark mode.
  • Search: Search the blockchain by address, token symbol, token name, transaction hash, or block number.


The metrics section displays the following information:

  • Gas tracker: The average amount of gas required to process a transaction on a Flare network. Gas is denominated in units of gwei, where 1,000,000,000 gwei equals one token on a Flare network.
  • Average block time: The average time required to confirm a block.
  • Total transactions: The total amount of verified transactions.
  • Total blocks: The total amount of confirmed blocks.
  • Wallet addresses: The total amount of wallets created on the network.


A block is a group of transactions submitted, validated, and recorded on the blockchain. Each block has a sequential ID and a number of transactions aggregated in the block. To view details about a block and the transactions it contains, click the block ID. Alternatively, view a continuous list of confirmed blocks as they occur by clicking View All Blocks.




Transactions are the various actions you can take on a blockchain. They are categorized by the following types:

  • Standard: Transfers of tokens between two wallets.
  • Contract: Interactions between two smart contracts or a wallet and a smart contract. Contract transactions include delegating tokens, transferring tokens, wrapping and unwrapping tokens, and so on. Interactions between two smart contracts are internal transactions.

Transaction Types

Transaction Types.