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An assertion whether a string represents a valid address on an external chain.

Supported sources: BTC, DOGE, XRP, testBTC, testDOGE, testXRP

Request body#

Field Solidity type Description
addressStr string Address to be verified.

Response body#

Field Solidity type Description
isValid bool Boolean indicator of the address validity.
standardAddress string If isValid, standard form of the validated address. Otherwise, an empty string.
standardAddressHash bytes32 If isValid, standard address hash of the validated address. Otherwise, a zero bytes32 string.


The address is checked against all validity criteria of the chain with sourceId. Indicator of validity is provided. If the address is valid, its standard form and standard hash are computed. Validity criteria for each supported chain:

Lowest Used Timestamp#

For lowestUsedTimestamp, 0xffffffffffffffff (\(2^{64}-1\) in hex) is used.