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Interface for interacting with the State Connector.

The interface enables requests to be made to the State Connector and related data, such as round IDs and Merkle roots, to be managed.



Defined in IStateConnector (Docs, Source).

event AttestationRequest(
    address sender,
    uint256 timestamp,
    bytes data

Triggered after an attestation request is made. This event is used by attestation providers to start processing the requests.

Parameters Type Description
sender address The address that initiated the attestation request.
timestamp uint256 The UNIX epoch time in seconds when the request was made.
data bytes The hash of the data being attested to, including a message integrity code to ensure proper validation.


Defined in IStateConnector (Docs, Source).

event RoundFinalised(
    uint256 roundId,
    bytes32 merkleRoot

Triggered after a round of attestations is completed and the data for that round is validated and finalized.

Parameters Type Description
roundId uint256 The ID of the round that is finalized.
merkleRoot bytes32 The corresponding Merkle root for the finalized round.



Defined in IStateConnector (Docs, Source).

) external view returns (

Retrieves the timestamp of round number 0, which serves as an offset to calculate the timestamps of all subsequent attestation rounds. For more details, see BUFFER_WINDOW.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 The timestamp offset in seconds since the UNIX epoch.


Defined in IStateConnector (Docs, Source).

) external view returns (

Retrieves the duration of attestation rounds, which is used to calculate the round ID from a given timestamp. The calculation formula is: roundId = (timestamp - BUFFER_TIMESTAMP_OFFSET) / BUFFER_WINDOW.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 The duration in seconds of an attestation round.


Defined in IStateConnector (Docs, Source).

function lastFinalizedRoundId(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _roundId);

Retrieves the ID of the most recently finalized round, which corresponds to the last round ID that has a stored Merkle root available.

Returns Type Description
_roundId uint256 The ID of the last finalized round.


Defined in IStateConnector (Docs, Source).

function requestAttestations(
    bytes _data
) external;

Requests an attestation and emits the AttestationRequest event. To learn about the format of this data, see Attestation types.

Parameters Type Description
_data bytes The data being submitted for attestation.