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Verifying the Vote-Power Block#

This page is for advanced users.

Use the block explorer to verify the vote-power block snapshot for a specific epoch. The snapshot indicates when your delegations are enacted.

The following guide refers to the original Flare block explorers.

  1. Open a block explorer for the appropriate network. The block explorer dashboard is displayed.
  2. From the block explorer, follow the Retrieval from Blockchain procedure to find and open the FtsoManager contract. The Contract Address Details page is displayed.
  3. Click the Read Contract tab.
  4. On the Read Contract tab, locate the getRewardEpochVotePowerBlock method, and specify the epoch number.
  5. Click Query to run the getRewardEpochVotePowerBlock method. The block number that was used to determine the vote power for the next epoch is returned.
  6. Copy this block number, paste it into the Search field, and press Enter. The Block Details page is displayed. The timestamp is displayed, as shown in the following image:

    Vote-Power Block Snapshot
    Vote-Power Block Snapshot.

    The displayed timestamp is the exact date and UTC time when vote power was locked during the epoch you specified.