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Internal interface for the FtsoManager contract.



Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event AccruingUnearnedRewardsFailed(
    uint256 epochId

Unexpected failure while accruing unearned rewards. This should be a rare occurrence.

Parameters Type Description
epochId uint256 Epoch ID of the failure.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event ChillingNonrevealingDataProvidersFailed(

Unexpected failure. This should be a rare occurrence.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event CleanupBlockNumberManagerFailedForBlock(
    uint256 blockNumber

Unexpected failure. This should be a rare occurrence.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event ClosingExpiredRewardEpochFailed(
    uint256 rewardEpoch

Unexpected failure. This should be a rare occurrence.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event DistributingRewardsFailed(
    address ftso,
    uint256 epochId

Unexpected failure while distributing rewards. This should be a rare occurrence.

Parameters Type Description
ftso address Contract address of the FTSO where the failure happened.
epochId uint256 Epoch ID of the failure.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event FallbackMode(
    bool fallbackMode

Emitted when the fallback mode of the FTSO manager changes its state. Fallback mode is a recovery mode, where only data from a trusted subset of FTSO data providers is used to calculate the final price.

The FTSO Manager enters the fallback mode when ALL FTSOs are in fallback mode.

Parameters Type Description
fallbackMode bool New state of the FTSO Manager fallback mode.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event FinalizingPriceEpochFailed(
    contract IIFtso ftso,
    uint256 epochId,
    enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType failingType

Unexpected failure while finalizing a price epoch. This should be a rare occurrence.

Parameters Type Description
ftso contract IIFtso Contract address of the FTSO where the failure happened.
epochId uint256 Epoch ID of the failure.
failingType enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType How was the epoch finalized.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event FtsoAdded(
    contract IIFtso ftso,
    bool add

Emitted when a new FTSO has been added or an existing one has been removed.

Parameters Type Description
ftso contract IIFtso Contract address of the FTSO.
add bool True if added, removed otherwise.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event FtsoDeactivationFailed(
    contract IIFtso ftso

Unexpected failure. This should be a rare occurrence.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event FtsoFallbackMode(
    contract IIFtso ftso,
    bool fallbackMode

Emitted when the fallback mode of an FTSO changes its state.

Parameters Type Description
ftso contract IIFtso Contract address of the FTSO.
fallbackMode bool New state of its fallback mode.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event InitializingCurrentEpochStateForRevealFailed(
    contract IIFtso ftso,
    uint256 epochId

Unexpected failure while initializing a price epoch. This should be a rare occurrence.

Parameters Type Description
ftso contract IIFtso Contract address of the FTSO where the failure happened.
epochId uint256 Epoch ID that failed initialization.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event PriceEpochFinalized(
    address chosenFtso,
    uint256 rewardEpochId

Emitted when a price epoch ends, this is, after the reveal phase, when final prices are calculated.

Parameters Type Description
chosenFtso address Contract address of the FTSO asset that was randomly chosen to be the basis for reward calculation. On this price epoch, rewards will be calculated based on how close each data provider was to the median of all submitted prices FOR THIS FTSO.
rewardEpochId uint256 Reward epoch ID this price epoch belongs to.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event RewardEpochFinalized(
    uint256 votepowerBlock,
    uint256 startBlock

Emitted when a reward epoch ends and rewards are available.

Parameters Type Description
votepowerBlock uint256 The vote power block of the epoch.
startBlock uint256 The first block of the epoch.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event UpdatingActiveValidatorsTriggerFailed(
    uint256 rewardEpoch

Unexpected failure. This should be a rare occurrence.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

event UseGoodRandomSet(
    bool useGoodRandom,
    uint256 maxWaitForGoodRandomSeconds

Emitted when the requirement to provide good random numbers has changed.

As part of the FTSO protocol, data providers must submit a random number along with their price reveals. When good random numbers are enforced, all providers that submit a hash must then submit a reveal with a random number or they will be punished. This is a measure against random number manipulation.

Parameters Type Description
useGoodRandom bool Whether good random numbers are now enforced or not.
maxWaitForGoodRandomSeconds uint256 Max number of seconds to wait for a good random number to be submitted.



Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function activate(
) external;

Activates FTSO manager (daemonize will run jobs).


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function active(
) external view returns (

Returns whether the FTSO Manager is active or not.

Returns Type Description
[0] bool bool Active status.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function addFtso(
    contract IIFtso _ftso
) external;

Adds FTSO to the list of managed FTSOs, to support a new price pair. All FTSOs in a multi-asset FTSO must be managed by the same FTSO manager.

Parameters Type Description
_ftso contract IIFtso FTSO contract address to add.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function addFtsosBulk(
    contract IIFtso[] _ftsos
) external;

Adds a list of FTSOs to the list of managed FTSOs, to support new price pairs. All FTSOs in a multi-asset FTSO must be managed by the same FTSO manager.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsos contract IIFtso[] Array of FTSO contract addresses to add.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function currentRewardEpochEnds(
) external view returns (

Returns when the current reward epoch finishes.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Time in seconds since the UNIX epoch when the current reward epoch will finish.


Defined in IFlareDaemonize (Docs, Source).

function daemonize(
) external returns (

Implement this function to receive a trigger from the FlareDaemon. The trigger method is called by the validator right at the end of block state transition.

Returns Type Description
[0] bool bool Whether the contract is still active after the call. Currently unused.


Defined in IFlareDaemonize (Docs, Source).

function getContractName(
) external view returns (

Implement this function to allow updating daemonized contracts through the AddressUpdater.

Returns Type Description
[0] string string Contract name.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentPriceEpochData(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _priceEpochId,
    uint256 _priceEpochStartTimestamp,
    uint256 _priceEpochEndTimestamp,
    uint256 _priceEpochRevealEndTimestamp,
    uint256 _currentTimestamp);

Returns timing information for the current price epoch. All intervals are half-closed: end time is not included. All timestamps are in seconds since UNIX epoch.

See the FTSO page for information about the different submission phases.

Returns Type Description
_priceEpochId uint256 Price epoch ID.
_priceEpochStartTimestamp uint256 Beginning of the commit phase.
_priceEpochEndTimestamp uint256 End of the commit phase.
_priceEpochRevealEndTimestamp uint256 End of the reveal phase.
_currentTimestamp uint256 Current time.


Defined in IFtsoManagerGenesis (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentPriceEpochId(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _priceEpochId);

Returns current price epoch ID.

Returns Type Description
_priceEpochId uint256 Currently running epoch ID. IDs are consecutive numbers starting from zero.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentRewardEpoch(
) external view returns (

Returns current reward epoch ID (the one currently running).

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Reward epoch ID. A monotonically increasing integer.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getElasticBandWidthPPMFtso(
    contract IIFtso _ftso
) external view returns (

Returns the secondary band's width in PPM (parts-per-million) of the median value, for a given FTSO.

Parameters Type Description
_ftso contract IIFtso The queried FTSO contract address.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Secondary band width in PPM. To obtain the actual band width, divide this number by 10^6 and multiply by the price median value.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getFallbackMode(
) external view returns (
    bool _fallbackMode,
    contract IIFtso[] _ftsos,
    bool[] _ftsoInFallbackMode);

Returns whether the FTSO Manager is currently in fallback mode.

In this mode only submissions from trusted providers are used.

Returns Type Description
_fallbackMode bool True if fallback mode is enabled for the manager.
_ftsos contract IIFtso[] Array of all currently active FTSO assets.
_ftsoInFallbackMode bool[] Boolean array indicating which FTSO assets are in fallback mode. If the FTSO Manager is in fallback mode then ALL FTSOs are in fallback mode.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getFtsos(
) external view returns (
    contract IIFtso[] _ftsos);

Returns the list of currently active FTSOs.

Returns Type Description
_ftsos contract IIFtso[] Array of contract addresses for the FTSOs.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getLastUnprocessedPriceEpochData(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _lastUnprocessedPriceEpoch,
    uint256 _lastUnprocessedPriceEpochRevealEnds,
    bool _lastUnprocessedPriceEpochInitialized);

Returns information regarding the currently unprocessed price epoch. This epoch is not necessarily the last one, in case the network halts for some time due to validator node problems, for example.

Returns Type Description
_lastUnprocessedPriceEpoch uint256 ID of the price epoch that is currently waiting finalization.
_lastUnprocessedPriceEpochRevealEnds uint256 When that price epoch can be finalized, in seconds since UNIX epoch.
_lastUnprocessedPriceEpochInitialized bool Whether this price epoch has been already initialized and therefore it must be finalized before the corresponding reward epoch can be finalized.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getPriceEpochConfiguration(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _firstPriceEpochStartTs,
    uint256 _priceEpochDurationSeconds,
    uint256 _revealEpochDurationSeconds);

Returns the current values for price epoch timing configuration.

See the FTSO page for information about the different submission phases.

Returns Type Description
_firstPriceEpochStartTs uint256 Timestamp, in seconds since UNIX epoch, of the first price epoch.
_priceEpochDurationSeconds uint256 Duration in seconds of the commit phase.
_revealEpochDurationSeconds uint256 Duration in seconds of the reveal phase.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getRewardEpochConfiguration(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _firstRewardEpochStartTs,
    uint256 _rewardEpochDurationSeconds);

Returns the current values for reward epoch timing configuration.

See the Reward epochs box.

Returns Type Description
_firstRewardEpochStartTs uint256 Timestamp, in seconds since UNIX epoch, of the first reward epoch.
_rewardEpochDurationSeconds uint256 Duration in seconds of the reward epochs.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getRewardEpochData(
    uint256 _rewardEpochId
) external view returns (
    struct IIFtsoManager.RewardEpochData);

Returns data regarding a specific reward epoch ID.

Parameters Type Description
_rewardEpochId uint256 Epoch ID.
Returns Type Description
[0] struct IIFtsoManager.RewardEpochData RewardEpochData Its associated data.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getRewardEpochToExpireNext(
) external view returns (

Return reward epoch that will expire next, when a new reward epoch is initialized.

Reward epochs older than 90 days expire, and any unclaimed rewards in them become inaccessible.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Reward epoch ID.


Defined in IFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getRewardEpochVotePowerBlock(
    uint256 _rewardEpoch
) external view returns (

Returns the vote power block that was used for a past reward epoch.

Parameters Type Description
_rewardEpoch uint256 The queried reward epoch ID.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 The block number of that reward epoch's vote power block.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function getRewardExpiryOffsetSeconds(
) external view returns (

Returns the currently configured reward expiration time.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Unclaimed rewards accrued in reward epochs more than this amount of seconds in the past expire and become inaccessible.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function notInitializedFtsos(
    contract IIFtso
) external view returns (

Returns whether an FTSO has been initialized.

Returns Type Description
[0] bool bool Initialization state.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function removeFtso(
    contract IIFtso _ftso
) external;

Removes an FTSO from the list of managed FTSOs. Reverts if FTSO is used in a multi-asset FTSO. Deactivates the _ftso.

Parameters Type Description
_ftso contract IIFtso FTSO contract address to remove.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function replaceFtso(
    contract IIFtso _ftsoToAdd,
    bool copyCurrentPrice,
    bool copyAssetOrAssetFtsos
) external;

Replaces one FTSO with another with the same symbol. All FTSOs in a multi-asset FTSO must be managed by the same FTSO manager. Deactivates the old FTSO.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsoToAdd contract IIFtso FTSO contract address to add. An existing FTSO with the same symbol will be removed.
copyCurrentPrice bool When true, initializes the new FTSO with the current price of the previous FTSO.
copyAssetOrAssetFtsos bool When true, initializes the new FTSO with the current asset or asset FTSOs of the previous FTSO.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function replaceFtsosBulk(
    contract IIFtso[] _ftsosToAdd,
    bool copyCurrentPrice,
    bool copyAssetOrAssetFtsos
) external;

Replaces a list of FTSOs with other FTSOs with the same symbol. All FTSOs in a multi-asset FTSO must be managed by the same FTSO manager. Deactivates the old FTSOs.

Parameters Type Description
_ftsosToAdd contract IIFtso[] Array of FTSO contract addresses to add. Every existing FTSO with the same symbols will be removed.
copyCurrentPrice bool When true, initializes the new FTSOs with the current price of the previous FTSOs.
copyAssetOrAssetFtsos bool When true, initializes the new FTSOs with the current asset or asset FTSOs of the previous FTSOs.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function rewardEpochDurationSeconds(
) external view returns (

Currently configured reward epoch duration.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Reward epoch duration, in seconds.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function rewardEpochs(
    uint256 _rewardEpochId
) external view returns (
    uint256 _votepowerBlock,
    uint256 _startBlock,
    uint256 _startTimestamp);

Returns information about a reward epoch.

Parameters Type Description
_rewardEpochId uint256 The epoch ID to query.
Returns Type Description
_votepowerBlock uint256 The vote power block of the epoch.
_startBlock uint256 The first block of the epoch.
_startTimestamp uint256 Timestamp of the epoch start, in seconds since UNIX epoch.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function rewardEpochsStartTs(
) external view returns (

Time when the current reward epoch started.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 uint256 Timestamp, in seconds since UNIX epoch.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function setFallbackMode(
    bool _fallbackMode
) external;

Sets whether the FTSO Manager is currently in fallback mode. In this mode only submissions from trusted providers are used.

Parameters Type Description
_fallbackMode bool True if fallback mode is enabled.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function setFtsoAsset(
    contract IIFtso _ftso,
    contract IIVPToken _asset
) external;

Sets the asset tracked by an FTSO.

Parameters Type Description
_ftso contract IIFtso The FTSO contract address.
_asset contract IIVPToken The VPToken contract address of the asset to track.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function setFtsoAssetFtsos(
    contract IIFtso _ftso,
    contract IIFtso[] _assetFtsos
) external;

Sets an array of FTSOs to be tracked by a multi-asset FTSO. FTSOs implicitly determine the FTSO assets.

Parameters Type Description
_ftso contract IIFtso The multi-asset FTSO contract address.
_assetFtsos contract IIFtso[] Array of FTSOs to be tracked.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function setFtsoFallbackMode(
    contract IIFtso _ftso,
    bool _fallbackMode
) external;

Sets whether an FTSO is currently in fallback mode. In this mode only submissions from trusted providers are used.

Parameters Type Description
_ftso contract IIFtso The FTSO contract address.
_fallbackMode bool Fallback mode.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function setGovernanceParameters(
    uint256 _updateTs,
    uint256 _maxVotePowerNatThresholdFraction,
    uint256 _maxVotePowerAssetThresholdFraction,
    uint256 _lowAssetUSDThreshold,
    uint256 _highAssetUSDThreshold,
    uint256 _highAssetTurnoutThresholdBIPS,
    uint256 _lowNatTurnoutThresholdBIPS,
    uint256 _elasticBandRewardBIPS,
    uint256 _rewardExpiryOffsetSeconds,
    address[] _trustedAddresses
) external;

Sets governance parameters for FTSOs

Parameters Type Description
_updateTs uint256 Time, in seconds since UNIX epoch, when updated settings should be pushed to FTSOs.
_maxVotePowerNatThresholdFraction uint256 High threshold for native token vote power per voter.
_maxVotePowerAssetThresholdFraction uint256 High threshold for asset vote power per voter
_lowAssetUSDThreshold uint256 Threshold for low asset vote power (in scaled USD).
_highAssetUSDThreshold uint256 Threshold for high asset vote power (in scaled USD).
_highAssetTurnoutThresholdBIPS uint256 Threshold for high asset turnout (in BIPS).
_lowNatTurnoutThresholdBIPS uint256 Threshold for low nat turnout (in BIPS).
_elasticBandRewardBIPS uint256 Secondary reward band, where _elasticBandRewardBIPS goes to the secondary band and 10000 - _elasticBandRewardBIPS to the primary (IQR) band.
_rewardExpiryOffsetSeconds uint256 Reward epochs closed earlier than block.timestamp - _rewardExpiryOffsetSeconds expire.
_trustedAddresses address[] Trusted addresses will be used as a fallback mechanism for setting the price.


Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

function setInitialRewardData(
    uint256 _nextRewardEpochToExpire,
    uint256 _rewardEpochsLength,
    uint256 _currentRewardEpochEnds
) external;

Set reward data to values from old ftso manager. Can only be called before activation.

Parameters Type Description
_nextRewardEpochToExpire uint256 See getRewardEpochToExpireNext.
_rewardEpochsLength uint256 See getRewardEpochConfiguration.
_currentRewardEpochEnds uint256 See getCurrentRewardEpoch.


Defined in IFlareDaemonize (Docs, Source).

function switchToFallbackMode(
) external returns (

This function will be called after an error is caught in daemonize. It will switch the contract to a simpler fallback mode, which hopefully works when full mode doesn't. Not every contract needs to support fallback mode (FtsoManager does), so this method may be empty. Switching back to normal mode is left to the contract (typically a governed method call). This function may be called due to low-gas error, so it shouldn't use more than ~30.000 gas.

Returns Type Description
[0] bool True if switched to fallback mode, false if already in fallback mode or if fallback mode is not supported.



Defined in IIFtsoManager (Docs, Source).

struct RewardEpochData {
  uint256 votepowerBlock;
  uint256 startBlock;
  uint256 startTimestamp;