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Assertion that an agreed-upon payment has not been made by a certain deadline. A confirmed request shows that a transaction meeting certain criteria (address, amount, reference) did not appear in the specified block range.

This type of attestation can be used to e.g. provide grounds to liquidate funds locked by a smart contract on Flare when a payment is missed.

Supported sources: BTC, DOGE, XRP, testBTC, testDOGE, testXRP

Request body#

Field Solidity type Description
minimalBlockNumber uint64 The start block of the search range.
deadlineBlockNumber uint64 The blockNumber to be included in the search range.
deadlineTimestamp uint64 The timestamp to be included in the search range.
destinationAddressHash bytes32 The standard address hash of the address to which the payment had to be done.
amount uint256 The requested amount in minimal units that had to be paid.
standardPaymentReference bytes32 The requested standard payment reference.

The standardPaymentReference should not be zero (as a 32-byte sequence).

Response body#

Field Solidity type Description
minimalBlockTimestamp uint64 The timestamp of the minimalBlock.
firstOverflowBlockNumber uint64 The height of the firstOverflowBlock.
firstOverflowBlockTimestamp uint64 The timestamp of the firstOverflowBlock.

firstOverflowBlock is the first block that has block number higher than deadlineBlockNumber and timestamp later than deadlineTimestamp. The specified search range are blocks between heights including minimalBlockNumber and excluding firstOverflowBlockNumber.


If firstOverflowBlock cannot be determined or does not have a sufficient number of confirmations, the attestation request is rejected. If firstOverflowBlockNumber is higher or equal to minimalBlockNumber, the request is rejected. The search range are blocks between heights including minimalBlockNumber and excluding firstOverflowBlockNumber. If the verifier does not have a view of all blocks from minimalBlockNumber to firstOverflowBlockNumber, the attestation request is rejected. The request is confirmed if no transaction meeting the specified criteria is found in the search range. The criteria and timestamp are chain specific.

UTXO (Bitcoin and Dogecoin)#

Criteria for the transaction:

  • It is not a coinbase transaction.
  • The transaction has the specified standardPaymentReference.
  • The sum of values of all outputs with the specified address minus the sum of values of all inputs with the specified address is greater than amount (in practice the sum of all values of the inputs with the specified address is zero).

Timestamp is mediantime.


Criteria for the transaction:

  • The transaction is of type payment.
  • The transaction has the specified standardPaymentReference,
  • One of the following is true:
    • Transaction status is SUCCESS and the amount received by the specified destination address is greater than the specified value.
    • Transaction status is RECEIVER_FAILURE and the specified destination address would receive an amount greater than the specified value had the transaction been successful.

Timestamp is close_time converted to UNIX time.

Lowest Used Timestamp#

For lowestUsedTimestamp, minimalBlockTimestamp is used.