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Managing the Ecosystem#

The following information explains how to manage the FTSO ecosystem by participating in the FTSO Management Group, as described in FIP.02, which was accepted on March 6, 2023.

To prevent malicious behaviors that impair the FTSO ecosystem, the FTSO Management Group reports possible infractions committed by FTSO data providers and determines whether to punish them.

Punished data providers are chilled, which means they are removed from the whitelist, either temporarily or permanently, depending on the quantity of infractions they have committed.

Any address can request to be a member of the group, but only upstanding FTSO data providers are accepted.

As a security measure to be used only when absolutely necessary, the Flare Foundation reserves the right to add and remove members on its own accord.

Management Process#

The group adheres to the following management process. For complete details about each step in the process, click each hyperlink.

  1. Discuss possible infractions (section 2.2.1).
  2. Submit a chill proposal (section 2.2.2).
  3. Vote on the proposal (sections 2.2.2 - 2.2.4).

Depending on the outcome of the vote, the provider might be chilled (section 2.3).

Discussing Infractions#

When you suspect a data provider is harming the ecosystem, you must discuss the malicious behavior with other group members in the Flare FTSO Self-Policing Forum to inform the FTSO community about the problem and gather the necessary quorum for a potential vote. It facilitates the decision about whether to submit a formal proposal to chill the attacker. The discussion is not binding.

Retrieving the PollingFtso contract#

The PollingFtso contract handles interactions such as managing group members, submitting proposals, voting, and more. The following procedure explains how to interact directly with this contract. However, if you prefer a simpler interface, the Flare community is developing front-ends to facilitate the interactions, such as Flaremetrics.

  1. Find the address of the PollingFtso contract in the Developer Hub.
  2. Open a block explorer for the appropriate network and go to the PollingFtso address.

After the PollingFtso contract is open in the explorer, you can complete operations to manage members and chill proposals.

Managing Group Members#

To be a member you need to be an upstanding data provider, which means:

  • You have received FTSO rewards for the last 20 reward epochs.
  • You have not been chilled in the last 20 reward epochs.
  • You have not been removed from the group in the last week.

After the PollingFtso contract is open in the explorer, you can do the following operations, among others.

Adding Members#

Anyone can request to become a member of the FTSO Management Group.

  1. In the Write tab, locate the addMember method, and click Write to call it.
  2. Follow the steps to complete the transaction in your wallet.

    Your request to be added to the group is submitted. If you meet the conditions of an upstanding data provider, you are automatically added to the group.

Removing Members#

Anyone can ask for a member of the FTSO Management Group to be removed.

  1. In the Write tab, locate the removeMember method, and specify a value for this parameter:

    • _account(address): The address of the member you want to remove from the group.
  2. Click Write to call the removeMember method.

  3. Follow the steps to complete the transaction in your wallet.

    Your request to remove a member from the group is submitted. If the member no longer meets the conditions of an upstanding data provider, the member is immediately removed.

Managing Chill Proposals#

After the PollingFtso contract is open in the explorer, you can do the following operations, among others.

Submitting a Proposal#

If you are a member of the FTSO Management Group or a member's proxy, you can submit a chill proposal.

  1. In the Write tab, locate the propose method, and specify values for these parameters:

    • _description(string): A free-form description of the problem to be voted on. It does not have a fixed structure, but it must contain at least the URL for the discussion in the forum (section 2.2.2.d)
    • value(FLR or SGB): The cost to call the propose method to submit the proposal, which you must specify as the value. The current cost is 100 $FLR or $SGB. Because this cost can fluctuate, retrieve the current cost by locating the proposalFeeValueWei method in the Read tab, which automatically displays the cost.
  2. Click Write to call the propose method.

  3. Follow the steps to complete the transaction in your wallet.

    Your proposal is submitted, and the proposalId is returned.

  4. Post the proposalId in the discussion thread so that members of the group can use it to vote on the proposal.

Voting on a Proposal#

You can vote on a proposal when the following conditions are met:

  • You are a member of the FTSO Management Group or a member's proxy.
  • The proposal is active.

To vote on a proposal:

  1. In the Write tab, locate the castVote method, and specify values for these parameters:

    • _proposalId(uint256): The proposal ID posted by the proponent in the discussion thread. This ID was obtained by proponent when the proposal was submitted. If you specify nonexistent IDs or IDs for proposals that have completed, the transaction reverts, and the explorer returns empty results.
    • _support(uint8): Specify one of the following values.

      • 0: Vote against the proposal.
      • 1: Vote in favor of the proposal.

      If you specify values other than 0 or 1, the transaction reverts.

  2. Click Write to call the castVote method.

  3. Follow the steps to complete the transaction in your wallet.

    Your vote is cast.

Setting a Proxy Voter#

If you are a member of the group, you can declare one address that can manage proposals and vote on them on your behalf. This address is known as your proxy. Your proxy can submit proposals and vote on them.

  1. In the Write tab, locate the setProxyVoter method, and specify the value for this parameter:

    • _proxyVoter(address): The address you want to declare as your proxy.
  2. Click Write to call the setProxyVoter method.

  3. Follow the steps to complete the transaction in your wallet.

    The specified address is set as your proxy voter.

Removing a Proxy Voter#

  1. In the Write tab, locate the setProxyVoter method, and specify the value for this parameter:

    • _proxyVoter(address): Specify the zero address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
  2. Click Write to call the setProxyVoter method.

  3. Follow the steps to complete the transaction in your wallet.

    The previously specified proxy address is revoked.

Determining Your Proxy Voter's Address#

  1. In the Read tab, locate the providerToProxy method, and specify the value for this parameter:

    • (address): The address that declared the proxy.
  2. Click Query to call the providerToProxy method.

    The address of the proxy voter is returned.

Retrieving the Last Proposal#

In the Read tab, locate the getLastProposal method.

The number of the most recent proposal and its description are displayed.

Retrieving a List of Group Members#

In the Read tab, locate the getManagementGroupMembers method.

A list of the addresses of members is displayed.

Retrieving a Proposal Description#

  1. In the Read tab, locate the getProposalDescription method, and specify the value for this parameter:

    • proposalId(uint256): The ID of the proposal whose description you want. If you don't know the proposal ID, refer to the proposal's discussion thread.
  2. Click Query to call the getProposalDescription method.

    The description of the specified proposal ID is returned. If you specified a nonexistent ID for the proposalId parameter, an empty string is returned.

Retrieving a Vote Count#

  1. In the Read tab, locate the getProposalVotes method, and specify the value for this parameter:

    • proposalId(uint256): The ID of the proposal whose vote count you want. Proposal IDs are posted in its corresponding discussion thread.
  2. Click Query to call the getProposalVotes method.

    The number of votes in favor of the proposal and the number of votes against it are returned. If you specified a nonexistent ID for the proposalId parameter, 0 is returned as the number of votes for the proposal and as the number of votes against it.

Determining a Member's Vote Status#

  1. In the Read tab, locate the hasVoted method, and specify the value for these parameters:

    • proposalId(uint256): The ID of the proposal for which you want to determine a member's vote status.
    • voter(address): The address of the member. If you do not know the address, refer to the list of addresses for all group members.
  2. Click Query to call the hasVoted method.

    A boolean value indicating whether the member has voted is returned. If you specified a nonexistent ID for the proposalId parameter, false is returned.