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Source | Inherits from IVPContractEvents

Delegatable ERC20 behavior.

Adds delegation capabilities to tokens. This contract orchestrates interaction between managing a delegation and the vote power allocations that result.



Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

enum DelegationMode {

Delegation mode of an account. Once set, it cannot be changed.

  • NOTSET: Delegation mode not set yet.
  • PERCENTAGE: Delegation by percentage.
  • AMOUNT: Delegation by amount (explicit).



Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

event CreatedVotePowerCache(
    address _owner,
    uint256 _blockNumber

Emitted when a vote power cache entry is created. Allows history cleaners to track vote power cache cleanup opportunities off-chain.

Parameters Type Description
_owner address The address whose vote power has just been cached.
_blockNumber uint256 The block number at which the vote power has been cached.


Defined in IVPContractEvents (Docs, Source).

event Delegate(
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 priorVotePower,
    uint256 newVotePower

Emitted when the amount of vote power delegated from one account to another changes.

Note: This event is always emitted from VPToken's writeVotePowerContract.

Parameters Type Description
from address The account that has changed the amount of vote power it is delegating.
to address The account whose received vote power has changed.
priorVotePower uint256 The vote power originally delegated.
newVotePower uint256 The new vote power that triggered this event. It can be 0 if the delegation is completely canceled.


Defined in IVPContractEvents (Docs, Source).

event Revoke(
    address delegator,
    address delegatee,
    uint256 votePower,
    uint256 blockNumber

Emitted when an account revokes its vote power delegation to another account for a single current or past block (typically the current vote block).

Note: This event is always emitted from VPToken's writeVotePowerContract or readVotePowerContract.

See revokeDelegationAt in IVPToken.

Parameters Type Description
delegator address The account that revoked the delegation.
delegatee address The account that has been revoked.
votePower uint256 The revoked vote power.
blockNumber uint256 The block number at which the delegation has been revoked.



Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

function explicitDelegationHistoryCleanup(
    address _from,
    address _to,
    uint256 _count
) external returns (

Delete explicit delegation checkpoints that expired (i.e. are before cleanupBlockNumber). Method can only be called from the cleanerContract (which may be a proxy to external cleaners).

Parameters Type Description
_from address Delegator address.
_to address Delegatee address.
_count uint256 Maximum number of checkpoints to delete.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Number of checkpoints deleted.


Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

function percentageDelegationHistoryCleanup(
    address _owner,
    uint256 _count
) external returns (

Delete percentage delegation checkpoints that expired (i.e. are before cleanupBlockNumber). Method can only be called from the cleanerContract (which may be a proxy to external cleaners).

Parameters Type Description
_owner address Balance owner account address.
_count uint256 Maximum number of checkpoints to delete.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Number of deleted checkpoints.


Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

function revocationCleanup(
    address _from,
    address _to,
    uint256 _blockNumber
) external returns (

Delete revocation entry that expired (i.e. is before cleanupBlockNumber). Method can only be called from the cleanerContract (which may be a proxy to external cleaners).

Parameters Type Description
_from address Delegator address.
_to address Delegatee address.
_blockNumber uint256 Block number for which total supply value was cached.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Number of revocation entries deleted (always 0 or 1).


Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

function votePowerCacheCleanup(
    address _owner,
    uint256 _blockNumber
) external returns (

Delete vote power cache entry that expired (i.e. is before cleanupBlockNumber). Method can only be called from the cleanerContract (which may be a proxy to external cleaners).

Parameters Type Description
_owner address Vote power owner account address.
_blockNumber uint256 Block number for which total supply value was cached.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Number of deleted cache entries (always 0 or 1).


Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

function votePowerHistoryCleanup(
    address _owner,
    uint256 _count
) external returns (

Delete vote power checkpoints that expired (i.e. are before cleanupBlockNumber). Method can only be called from the cleanerContract (which may be a proxy to external cleaners).

Parameters Type Description
_owner address Vote power owner account address.
_count uint256 Maximum number of checkpoints to delete.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Number of deleted checkpoints.



Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

modifier notBeforeCleanupBlock(    uint256 _blockNumber)

Reading from history is not allowed before cleanupBlockNumber, since data before that might have been deleted and is thus unreliable.

Parameters Type Description
_blockNumber uint256 The block number being checked for validity.


Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

modifier onlyCleaner()

History cleaning methods can be called only from cleanerContract.



Defined in Delegatable (Docs, Source).

    address cleanerContract

Address of the contract that is allowed to call methods for history cleaning.