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Interface for each of the FTSO contracts that handles an asset. Read the FTSO documentation page for general information about the FTSO system.



Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

enum PriceFinalizationType {

How did a price epoch finalize.

  • NOT_FINALIZED: The epoch has not been finalized yet. This is the initial state.
  • WEIGHTED_MEDIAN: The median was used to calculate the final price. This is the most common state in normal operation.
  • TRUSTED_ADDRESSES: Due to low turnout, the final price was calculated using only the median of trusted addresses.
  • PREVIOUS_PRICE_COPIED: Due to low turnout and absence of votes from trusted addresses, the final price was copied from the previous epoch.
  • TRUSTED_ADDRESSES_EXCEPTION: Due to an exception, the final price was calculated using only the median of trusted addresses.
  • PREVIOUS_PRICE_COPIED_EXCEPTION: Due to an exception, the final price was copied from the previous epoch.



Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

event LowTurnout(
    uint256 epochId,
    uint256 natTurnout,
    uint256 lowNatTurnoutThresholdBIPS,
    uint256 timestamp

Not enough votes were received for this asset during a price epoch that has just ended.

Parameters Type Description
epochId uint256 The ID of the epoch.
natTurnout uint256 Total received vote power, as a percentage of the circulating supply in BIPS.
lowNatTurnoutThresholdBIPS uint256 Minimum required vote power, as a percentage of the circulating supply in BIPS. The fact that this number is higher than natTurnout is what triggered this event.
timestamp uint256 Timestamp of the block where the price epoch ended.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

event PriceEpochInitializedOnFtso(
    uint256 epochId,
    uint256 endTime,
    uint256 timestamp

All necessary parameters have been set for an epoch and prices can start being revealed. Note that prices can already be submitted immediately after the previous price epoch submit end time is over.

This event is not emitted in fallback mode (see getPriceEpochData).

Parameters Type Description
epochId uint256 The ID of the epoch that has just started.
endTime uint256 Deadline to submit prices, in seconds since UNIX epoch.
timestamp uint256 Current on-chain timestamp.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

event PriceFinalized(
    uint256 epochId,
    uint256 price,
    bool rewardedFtso,
    uint256 lowIQRRewardPrice,
    uint256 highIQRRewardPrice,
    uint256 lowElasticBandRewardPrice,
    uint256 highElasticBandRewardPrice,
    enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType finalizationType,
    uint256 timestamp

An epoch has ended and the asset price is available.

Parameters Type Description
epochId uint256 The ID of the epoch that has just ended.
price uint256 The asset's price for that epoch.
rewardedFtso bool Whether the next 4 parameters contain data.
lowIQRRewardPrice uint256 Lowest price in the primary (inter-quartile) reward band.
highIQRRewardPrice uint256 Highest price in the primary (inter-quartile) reward band.
lowElasticBandRewardPrice uint256 Lowest price in the secondary (elastic) reward band.
highElasticBandRewardPrice uint256 Highest price in the secondary (elastic) reward band.
finalizationType enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType Reason for the finalization of the epoch.
timestamp uint256 Timestamp of the block where the price has been finalized.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

event PriceRevealed(
    address voter,
    uint256 epochId,
    uint256 price,
    uint256 timestamp,
    uint256 votePowerNat,
    uint256 votePowerAsset

A voter has revealed its price.

Parameters Type Description
voter address The voter.
epochId uint256 The ID of the epoch for which the price has been revealed.
price uint256 The revealed price.
timestamp uint256 Timestamp of the block where the reveal happened.
votePowerNat uint256 Vote power of the voter in this epoch. This includes the vote power derived from its WNat holdings and the delegations.
votePowerAsset uint256 Unused.



Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function active(
) external view returns (

Returns whether FTSO is active or not.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentEpochId(
) external view returns (

Returns the current epoch ID.

Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Currently running epoch ID. IDs are consecutive numbers starting from zero.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentPrice(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _timestamp);

Returns the current asset price.

Returns Type Description
_price uint256 Price in USD multiplied by 10^ASSET_PRICE_USD_DECIMALS.
_timestamp uint256 Time when price was updated for the last time, in seconds from UNIX epoch.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentPriceDetails(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _priceTimestamp,
    enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType _priceFinalizationType,
    uint256 _lastPriceEpochFinalizationTimestamp,
    enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType _lastPriceEpochFinalizationType);

Returns asset's current price details. All timestamps are in seconds from UNIX epoch.

Returns Type Description
_price uint256 Price in USD multiplied by 10^ASSET_PRICE_USD_DECIMALS.
_priceTimestamp uint256 Time when price was updated for the last time.
_priceFinalizationType enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType Finalization type when price was updated for the last time.
_lastPriceEpochFinalizationTimestamp uint256 Time when last price epoch was finalized.
_lastPriceEpochFinalizationType enum IFtso.PriceFinalizationType Finalization type of last finalized price epoch.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentPriceFromTrustedProviders(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _timestamp);

Returns current asset price calculated only using input from trusted providers.

Returns Type Description
_price uint256 Price in USD multiplied by 10^ASSET_PRICE_USD_DECIMALS.
_timestamp uint256 Time when price was updated for the last time, in seconds from UNIX epoch.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentPriceWithDecimals(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _timestamp,
    uint256 _assetPriceUsdDecimals);

Returns current asset price and number of decimals.

Returns Type Description
_price uint256 Price in USD multiplied by 10^_assetPriceUsdDecimals.
_timestamp uint256 Time when price was updated for the last time, in seconds from UNIX epoch.
_assetPriceUsdDecimals uint256 Number of decimals used to return the USD price.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentPriceWithDecimalsFromTrustedProviders(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _price,
    uint256 _timestamp,
    uint256 _assetPriceUsdDecimals);

Returns current asset price calculated only using input from trusted providers and number of decimals.

Returns Type Description
_price uint256 Price in USD multiplied by 10^ASSET_PRICE_USD_DECIMALS.
_timestamp uint256 Time when price was updated for the last time, in seconds from UNIX epoch.
_assetPriceUsdDecimals uint256 Number of decimals used to return the USD price.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getCurrentRandom(
) external view returns (

Returns the random number for the previous price epoch, obtained from the random numbers provided by all data providers along with their data submissions.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getEpochId(
    uint256 _timestamp
) external view returns (

Returns the ID of the epoch that was opened for price submission at the specified timestamp.

Parameters Type Description
_timestamp uint256 Queried timestamp in seconds from UNIX epoch.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Epoch ID corresponding to that timestamp. IDs are consecutive numbers starting from zero.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getEpochPrice(
    uint256 _epochId
) external view returns (

Returns agreed asset price in the specified epoch.

Parameters Type Description
_epochId uint256 ID of the epoch. Only the last 200 epochs can be queried. Out-of-bounds queries revert.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Price in USD multiplied by 10^ASSET_PRICE_USD_DECIMALS.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getEpochPriceForVoter(
    uint256 _epochId,
    address _voter
) external view returns (

Returns asset price submitted by a voter in the specified epoch.

Parameters Type Description
_epochId uint256 ID of the epoch being queried. Only the last 200 epochs can be queried. Out-of-bounds queries revert.
_voter address Address of the voter being queried.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 Price in USD multiplied by 10^ASSET_PRICE_USD_DECIMALS.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getPriceEpochConfiguration(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _firstEpochStartTs,
    uint256 _submitPeriodSeconds,
    uint256 _revealPeriodSeconds);

Returns current epoch's configuration.

Returns Type Description
_firstEpochStartTs uint256 First epoch start timestamp in seconds from UNIX epoch.
_submitPeriodSeconds uint256 Submit period in seconds.
_revealPeriodSeconds uint256 Reveal period in seconds.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getPriceEpochData(
) external view returns (
    uint256 _epochId,
    uint256 _epochSubmitEndTime,
    uint256 _epochRevealEndTime,
    uint256 _votePowerBlock,
    bool _fallbackMode);

Returns current epoch data. Intervals are open on the right: End times are not included.

Returns Type Description
_epochId uint256 Current epoch ID.
_epochSubmitEndTime uint256 End time of the price submission window in seconds from UNIX epoch.
_epochRevealEndTime uint256 End time of the price reveal window in seconds from UNIX epoch.
_votePowerBlock uint256 Vote power block for the current epoch.
_fallbackMode bool Whether the current epoch is in fallback mode. Only votes from trusted addresses are used in this mode.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function getRandom(
    uint256 _epochId
) external view returns (

Returns the random number used in a specific past epoch, obtained from the random numbers provided by all data providers along with their data submissions.

Parameters Type Description
_epochId uint256 ID of the queried epoch. Current epoch cannot be queried, and the previous epoch is constantly updated as data providers reveal their prices and random numbers. Only the last 50 epochs can be queried and there is no bounds checking for this parameter. Out-of-bounds queries return undefined values.
Returns Type Description
[0] uint256 The random number used in that epoch.


Defined in IFtso (Docs, Source).

function symbol(
) external view returns (

Returns the FTSO symbol.